Saturday, August 29, 2009
Drinks, Drinks...sknird!!!
Highlights for Ted Kennedy's Funeral Services
Inside the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Boston.
I decided not to go to the area due to a stormy weather and non stop rain. I was able to see the services via television, all channels were showing it. The following are the things that caught my attention and/or touched my heart as well.
Known as the protector of the people, was able to, once more, gather the attention of people who went under the rain to wait for his casket to pass by and offer their respects. Tremont Street was closed so the people have to gather by the area of Roxbury Crossing as well as to the other end. The residents across the church had a better view.
When the casket arrived in front of the church, even though I was not able to hear it, the narrator said that people applauding could be heard from the distance.
When the representation of all the military branches removed the casket and went inside the church.
When Vicki together with other females of the family was placing the white dress over the casket.
The priest repeating: not to make Ted bigger than life, or bigger of what he was, and not to make him an idol.
I enjoyed the passion and touch of sentiment the cello player gave while playing during the ‘consecration of the bread’.
During all these activities for Ted I was able to see Kennedy-Smith and remember the scandal, but I was able to give credit to the power of family support and union, to guide a black sheep back to the tracks.
I truly enjoyed the Tanglewood Choir specially the last ‘amen’ that took over the entire basilica. I placed myself there to feel the vibration of that amen, together with the organ and looking up to the magnificent structures and painting.
During the ‘salute of the peace’ Vicki moved from her seat and walked to the other side, to the front row where the president and former presidents were sitting down and hugged and shake hands while the first Lady, Obama, was waiting to give her peace sign. I started to feel odd myself, then Vicki turned and kind of smiled at her and instead of a hug, she placed her hand on Ms. Obama’s arms preventing her to hug. The kiss was almost on their lips when Vicki didn’t move her face to the left.
On the same note when Vicki was done giving her sign of peace to the front row, she placed her hand over the first lady’s, and I said, ahhh.
I was surprised by the presence of Placido Domingo singing the “Panis Angelicus”.
But the moment I was waiting for, the ‘Ave Maria” by the soprano Susan Graham. Vicki seemed to be pleased when she closed her eyes and with a quasi smile took a breath while listening to beautiful performance.
On the same note I observed how Bill Clinton, smiling, also closed is eyes for a brief moment and moved his head showing admiration and pleasure of the performance as well. I observed the same thing with President Obama, who after a while was holding his left index finger over his lips. Was he preventing another smile?
During the Offer the children, grandchildren and other family members presented some of Ted ideas, these was a beautiful moment.
Ted Kennedy Jr.
I enjoyed the speech given by Ted Kennedy Jr. He expressed how proud he felt of sharing his name with his son and his father. He took this moment, once again, to reminded the world the things Ted loved; wine, cheese, arts, music, sailing, costume parties and woman (Vicki laughed at this comment), among other things. He shared the moment, that during his childhood he was diagnosed with bone cancer, feeling he might not be able to do much in life and his father, Ted, told him he will do whatever he wanted to do, and he remembered how his father, helped him to climb a snow mountain, at this moment his voice crack with emotion touching the audience, and me. “My father admired perseverance...he loved Boston”. Ted Jr.
“In order to do [good] in the future you have to understand the past.” Ted Kennedy; as his song continued describing how he took the time to take the entire family during vacation to historical sights in order to teach them.
In terms of character and as a given person, Ted Jr. remembered a time that his father left money in the bathroom of a hotel and he called it to his attention. Ted told him that the money was meant to be for the woman that was coming after them to clean, that the job was a back breaking and that the woman have a family to feed. He also described his father as a great grandfather and that he was grateful for having his father as long as he did. Ted Jr. made a funny comment when he said that his father let his legacy ‘to love republicans’, the audience laughed, including Bush Jr.
“Always be ready to compromised but never compromised your principles”, Ted Kennedy.
He died at Cape Cod, in happiness. “He wasn’t done, i pray today to set aside sadness and the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream will never die, and I miss you already.” concluded Ted Kennedy Jr.
Patrick Kennedy
“We lost our father.” was almost the beginning of his speech. He described how he suffered from chronic asthma that kept his father by his side. His father made sure that during vacation time Patrick could have the best room, smoke free which guaranteed his father as his roommate, the audience found this funny. He continued describing that having asthma was like hitting the jackpot for a child that wanted to have his dad closed to him. He described his father as his ‘magical figure’. Even with his rules of not having little children in the boat, he refuses to leave him behind by saying that read head boys could tag alone, just as he did with people without voices, Ted Jr. continued sharing.
“He never gave up and there was never quit in my dad. My dad came out a winner”, he expressed after seen all people waiting for hours to see his casket under the rain.
“Loving and devoting father” he said. From ‘Road less Travel’...’miles before i go to sleep’. “May your dream for a better and just America never die. You always will live in my hear for ever.” Patrick concluded.
President Obama
Gave the final presentation of the liturgy. “Today we say good by to the youngest child of Rose and Joseph Kennedy.” was the open remarks of the US President. He referred to Ted as the champion for those that didn’t have one, the soul of the democratic party, the big cheese, mentor, friend and colleague, a person with good humor.
Obama was able to recapitulate some of the tragedies that marked Ted’s life such as having children with cancer, the historical tragedies of his brothers, and surviving an airplane crash; pointing out that these events didn’t stop Ted from giving, who exposed to suffering made him more tender.
In the political aspect Obama mentioned the more than 300 laws passed by him in Congress like immigration, disability, health, among others making him the voice for those that have been not heard. Obama remembered Ted’s particular way of pounding his fist on the podium and his red face in a passion for his believes, so personal but at the same time keeping his person from his disagreements. “Seeking compromise and common causes made him the best senator.” Obama shared. One Saint Patrick day, when Obama was a witness of one of Ted’s accomplishments on a bill, he asked him how he did it and Ted just responded, “luck of the irish”, the audience laughed including Vicki.
Obama continued saying his giving heart will be missed, that he was a boss adored by his staff. He shared that the Kennedy family have made it through love. “We don’t know how long we have in here, what God’s [he hesitated] plans for us, live our lives the best we can, with a purpose, show how much we care for each others, ...some day when we look back we made a difference that impacted the life of others, the way Ted lived. We love this kind and tender hero.” Obama said, while remembering how he cared for the families surviving the 9/11.
“May God bless Ted Kennedy and may rest in eternal peace.” President Obama.
During the exit procession the choir sang ‘America the Beautiful” the audience also sang including Vicki, his widow.
Ted Kennedy 1932 - 2009
Ted Kennedy
Que pesado ha de ser para la familia Kenedy, hacer servicios funebres bajo la lluvia, fue lo primero que pense al despertar luego de haberme dormido mientras miraba el homenaje postumo que le hicieron a Ted Kennedy anoche en la Biblioteca que lleva el nombre de quien en vida fuera su hermano, y presidente de EU, John F. Kennedy.
Un homenaje con el cual me pude reir a carcajadas porque se enfocaron en Ted, mas que como un politico, como un hombre, un ser humano con sus altas y sus bajas, pero sobre todo que se disfrutaba su vida a plenitud, que amaba a su familia y a sus amigos, mientras que en la misma medida de pasion tambien se dio a la tarea de responder por los problemas que afectan a la sociedad y al pais en busqueda de soluciones y mejoras para la gente.
Con la gente en mente sigo mis pensamientos. Ted, era un indivuduo de gente, “people’s person”. Un buen dia mientras tenia un tiempo libre entre clases, me sente en uno de los bancos en el campus de RCC (Roxbury Community College) y veo que se me aproxima este hombre y me extiende la mano, era Ted, super simpatico, le di mi mano y me pregunto “how are you?”, como si fueramos amigos de toda la vida, sin prisa me converso y luego siguio su camino. Asi era el, accesible, y dado, algo que ha caracterizado a la familia Kennedy, que para ser una dinastia super importante para este pais USA, son sencillos y humildes.
Es interesante ver como para su ultima estadia en la ciudad que Ted amaba, Boston, la familia Kennedy escoje hacer los servicios en una iglesia, en el corazon de Mission Hill que es la misma area de Roxbury, una comunidad de alto valor historico, con una diversidad racial fabulosa, con los mejores servicios medicos del mundo, con alto comercio, viviendas extraordinarias, execelentes medios de transportacion publica, universidades de alto prestigio y de muchos aspectos sociales para lidear. Estoy segura que Ted mismo escogio esto.
He podido escuchar que a Ted le gustaba ir a Mission Church a orar por la salud de su hija con cancer. Que luego de salir del hospital Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, muy cerca de aqui, entraba a la basilica porque ahi podia meditar y sentir paz. Y en verdad esta iglesia inspira paz. Ha sido testigo de muchos milagros y estar ahi, para mi es como estar en una sala llena de angeles, es de techo amplio, misteriosamente magestuosa, hermosa arquitectura y decoracion con uno de los organos mas elaborados, este es un lugar de paz, la cual espero los que entren en ella hoy la puedan sentir y llevar con ellos para hacer algo mejor luego, ellos los privilegiados, los escogidos, los politicos, porque hoy, la iglesia estara cerrada para el pueblo.
La Basilica Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help) mejor conocida como Mission Church es el foco mundial en este dia. Se cantara el Ave Maria, una de las favoritas de Ted. Ya comenzaron a hacer entrada muchas personalidades de la politica, hasta el presidente Obama, quien esta aqui en Boston desde anoche, sera parte de la liturgia. Y yo estoy aqui, mirando todo lo que acontese desde mi casa y me estoy sintiendo impotente.
Mi impotencia dicta desde el punto que tenemos tantos problemas que resolver en esta comunidad de Roxbury, ya ustedes saben que trabajo aqui. Y miro que estaran las potencias politicas del estado de Massachusetts y del pais entero y no podre decirles, que nos den una mano para resolver muchos de los asuntos que cada dia se pondran peor si ellos no intervienen, pero este es el funeral de Ted pero me siento tentada, creanme, de ir y mostrar aunque sea un cartelon, una sabana, con un grito de ayuda para esta comunidad.
Es obvio que se trata de un funeral, pero todo es relativo, no deja de ser politica. Tan asi es, que la acera de el frente de la iglesia en donde di tantos tropezones, la arreglaron en su totalidad hace solo dos dias, mientras que las quejas eran muchas y nada pasaba, pero es el funeral de Ted. Se tomaron el tiempo de limpiar hasta las lamparas de los focos de los postes del alumbrado de toda la cuadra. Han recogido la mas minima basura, hasta la que se estanca en la raya divisoria de las aceras, cosa que no pasa con frecuencia. Gracias a el funeral de Ted todo esta limpio y hermoso en Roxbury, en Mission Hill.
Y ahora que, quien seguira ese legado de interes por los demas, por los mas necesitados, por los mas perseguidos, por las reformas de salud publica, la educacion, la vivienda y demas. Seguira Patrick, su hijo, su viuda Vicki? Now 55, is "tough as nails, smart as hell, politically astute, ambitious and ready to do whatever it took to advance Ted's career," said Kennedy biographer Edward Klein. Quien sera el proximo Ted que siga trabajando por los demas. En unas horas ya se habran ido todos, pero los problemas que acosan a Roxbury seguiran ahi y me esperaran una vez mas este lunes.
Ted, irlandes, catolico, politico,de Dorchester, capitan de tu propio barco; ahora eres parte de la historia pero es obvio, no fue en vano, que descanses en la paz que solias sentir en tus momentos de meditacion. Me quedo con el recuerdo de tu mano, tu saludo cordial y tu legado.
Aun arrastrando mis pies descalsos sobre el suave piso de madera camine hasta la puerta de cristal a mirar el panorama. Los pajaros estan revoloteando por los arboles y cantan, mientras la lluvia sigue cayendo y la mañana parece tarde. Para hoy yo no tengo deseos de tormenta, creo que me quedare en casa.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Me preguntaron...
...por cuanto tiempo pensaba tenerte en mi vida. Sonrei y fui yo quien pregunto; como escojo entre por siempre y para siempre?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
No me gusta que me tomen por lo que no soy y mientras tanto sigo ejecutando mi diplomacia. Muchas veces me he preguntado, hasta donde llegara mi diplomacia, sere capaz de dejarla ir algun dia? Mientras tanto sigo utilizandola porque me ha servido para mantener los pies sobre la tierra y la mente en su lugar perfecto para tomar decisiones sabias.
Mi diplomacia me ha servido para llegar a lugares que otros, aquellos que me toman por lo que no soy, jamas han podido llegar. Me he valido de esta destreza, la de usar la diplomacia, para resolver asuntos que parecen catastroficos pero que al final, se emplean acuerdos donde los envueltos sienten, de una manera justa, que han tomado parte de los resultados, teniendo asi un “win-win situation, un mano a mano, con un final placentero.
Hoy una vez mas y como es usal, enfrentare dilemas con gente que no hacen otra cosa que ‘tocarte los botones’, solo porque no tienen nada mas en ellos, estan vacios, perdidos, sin foco en lo que se supone que se enfoquen. Una vez mas enfrentare actitudes sin etica profesional y palabras que no corresponden a un lugar de negocios. Una vez mas usare la diplomacia para demostrar, que “esta no es tu casa”, aqui se hacen negocios, no disparates que salen de tus oscuras entrañas mas no del libro de reglamentos y polizas.
Una vez mas seguire siendo ejemplo de lo que es correcto. Y se que esto es un reto extraordinario para mi como ser humano, pero yo puedo, de eso estoy hecha, de integridad, de sociego, de entereza.
Hoy no te enfrentare como siempre, hoy me enfrentaras tu, y te pondras en tu lugar, el que tu has caldado y te mereces. No podras desboronar lo que con tanto esfuerzo y estudio he logrado, yo tengo trazada una meta, un foco, una carrera que ha tenido una trayectoria llena de satisfacciones y eso es mio, y tu ni nadie lo pueden cambiar, ni deshacer.
“En guerra avisada no muere soldado” y tu fin se esta acercando, porque tu, sin darte cuenta te has cavado tu propia fosa.
Diplomacia, el uso de los tantos diplomas que he adquirido, diferente a unos cuantos, que no implementan lo que supuestamente han aprenidor. Si caminas por la vida y las experiencias adquiridas te las pasas por donde no te da sol, si crees que por un titulo pudes hacer papelillo a las personas que te rodean, solo porque ellas te han demostrado que son debiles, te acabas de dar con la Coqueta de tu pueblo.
Suerte, la vas a necesitar.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Who the hell is she?
About two years ago I had to present myself, after receiving a “statement of small claim and notice of trial”, to a court in West Roxbury. A Bank wanted ‘A Coqueta’ to pay for a loan, that ‘A Coqueta’ took to go to Puerto Rico for the amount of $4, 500 us, and that ‘A Coqueta’ never paid. There were several bills coming into to my mail from “Fingehut”, “AT&T”, “Rockport Catalog” and other catalogs as well. All of them looking for one thing, MONEY.
Note: This Coqueta, me, don't need to make loans for such a stupid amount to go to Puerto Rico.
There was no case in telling them they had the wrong person, yes I AM Coqueta, but heck no, I’m not the one taking money or articles from catalogs and no making payments. So I showed up in court and after listening to the list of cases I realized that they didn’t call my name. I went to the clerk and he said; “oh, you are not in the list of cases to be called because you came yesterday, and a judgment was placed.” What, I was here yesterday? I was lucky, as I always am, and there was the female lawyer representing A Bank for other bad-pay people, as the one that happens to have my same name.
I told Miss Lawyer, in a very mad tone of voice but cool as a cucumber, that I was tired to explain that I’m not the Coqueta they are looking for, (lucky me), we don’t have the same social security number and that I was tired of wasting my time explaining. I demanded them to stop calling me, or sending me bills, or court notices. I also told them I will sue them for the fricking $4,500 for my time, energy, my peace, my gasoline, and my lost of income from work for being there. Miss Lawyer took care of it and my life was back to Beautiful, the way it should be.
But life is always looking for fun, and I’m the subject for it. I started to received phone calls from companies looking for “A Coqueta”, that needs to pay, pay, and pay. Once again, I said, you have the wrong Coqueta, but that was not enough. Like a month ago I received another “notice of trial” to go to the Dorchester Court to pay a debt. Oh, nooo!!! Here we go again.
I didn’t show up, I’m not that Coqueta, but a judgement was placed and I received a mail saying that I have to pay in 30 days, meaning by September 16, the amount of $591.24 us. “Mother flowers”. This time “A Coqueta”, not me (is that clear), still owes money to First Bank and the collector is Midland Funding, L.L.C. The lawyers are from the Richard S. Daniels. Jr. offices. I called them just minutes ago and explain myself once again, Richard Daniels told me he have the right address for the other Coqueta, he said that he doesn't understand why this things happen but are very frequent; and that he will stop sending me mail and will dismiss the case. To be very sure about it I will show up for the case review, coming up in September.
Now, why these things happen? How come banks give loans to people and then track the wrong people to ask for payments? I think that they just google and whatever address appears they try it, they only want their money back, they don’t care who pay. But I’m so tire of this. With my investigation skills I was able to find the address of the Coqueta Impostor, some projects in Lawrence, her phone number, her social security number, and these people, who keep giving her loans and catalog crap, are not able to make this clear, no, they have my address to see if they can double pick/dig. No thanks.
Note to the Coqueta Impostor, I'm about to start feeling mad at you, I think you are a "cuponera", "welfelera" and so on, and trust me, I was holding myself not to take it against you, because I was under the impression that it's the fault of the Banks, and Companies, and Catalogs, not yours, but you need to stop doing this shit, of taking loans and buying crap that you can't afford, in case you don't realize it, YOU ARE POOR, stop hurting yourself, trying to be what you will never be. I may have to take pictures and videos of you to bring it to court, because there is only one COQUETA, ME.
I see you all in court.
Monday, August 24, 2009
El trago de la semana
Drink of the week
Como una cortecia de Coqueta-as a bartender
I would like to dedicate and prepare this drink to my dear friend La China in memory of Sapito (RIP), who took a one way ticket to el Carajo, that is in Guaynabicha’s City. Let’s celebrate! Celebremos!
El Toilet
1.5 oz of Vodka
1 or 2 drops (gotas) of blue curacao
Raising (pasas) to float - para que floten
This can be strain for shots but I prefer to do it in a bowl and share it with straws.
(Esto se puede colar en vasos de shots pero prefiero ponerlo en un envase amplio y compartirlo con sorbetos para ver las pasitas flotar.)
This drink is ideal for: Flunking a test, your “police academy test”, “med school or dentist school test”, “army or marines test” or whatever. Also for those nasty break-ups, (when your boyfriend breaks up with you via a chat, or email), death of your pet gold-fish, your girl left you for your best friend, you find out your boyfriend is married, “you are not the dad”, “he is gay”, you name the terrible, incredible situation.
(Este trago es ideal para: Cuando te cuelgas en un examen, tu examen de la “academia de la policia”, “escuela de medicina o dentista”, “examen del army o los marines”, o lo que sea. Tambien para esos rompimientos asquerosos, (cuando tu novio termina contigo por medio de un chat o un e-mail), la muerte de tu pez-gold, tu novia te dejo por tu mejor amigo, descubres que tu novio es casado, “tu no eres el padre”, “el es gay”, cual sea la situacion terrible o increible)
If the event is messing with your mind, memorized it with a nice floating bowl, drink it and forget about it. Shit happens!!!
(Si el evento esta ‘descojo...” tu mente, memoralizalo con una buena flota, tomatelo y olvidalo. “Hay que joderse”.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Conteo regresivo de una historia mas de High School
\Ya le hablaste a tus hijos de sexo, embarazos, abortos, enfermedades venereas, "playerz", "cueros", homosexualidad, drogas, internet, sexting, texting, alcohol, cigarrillos, violencia, armas de fuego, armas blancas, "hangeo" y un monton de pendejadas mas? Pues si a estas alturas no lo has echo, que carajos esperas, a que te llegue el problema dias, o meses despues que se formo? Salvese quien pueda!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
No trabajo porque no me da la gana!
Se que ir a trabajar un lunes es una bendicion para muchos, comparado con aquel que no tiene empleo y desearia ser productivo a la sociedad, y desarrollarse como individuo a la vez que hace su dinero. Tambien se, porque lo estoy sintiendo en estos momentos, que suele ser pesado, los lunes, ir a trabajar, especialmente si pasaste un fin de semana glorioso, aun mas por este lado del globo terraqueo, que el verano tan rico que hay, pronto sera historia.
Es costumbre que antes de llegar a la oficina, los lunes, trate de hacer memoria que es lo que tengo que hacer (hoy), ya que he logrado alcanzar, atravez de los años y la experiencia, la habilidad de olvidarme absolutamente de todo lo que tenga que ver con mi trabajo cuando estoy fuera de el. Haciendo este ejercicio de que es lo que tengo que hacer hoy, me ayuda a darle prioridades a las diferentes cosas pendientes alli en la oficina.
Fue entonces que me puse a meditar en cuanto a el/la que no ira hoy a trabajar por que no le da la gana. No van a trabajar porque encuentran que es mas facil conformarse con las migajas que reciben de la vida que hacer el minimo esfuerzo para alcanzar cosas tales como un empleo y superacion.
Hoy voy a bregar con la gente que hace trampa y que miente, y que se creen sus cuentos de tal modo que juran que me tienen convecida, dormida, “esto es un quitao”. Vendran una vez mas a donde mi a lloriquear sus razones de no hacer mas por ellos mismos y eso me da coraje.
Las mujeres que hoy dia son “jefas” de famila, lideres, pero en este caso lideres de mediocridad y con “hombres” que las respaldan a que su mediocridad sea una de excelencia, Siempre escuche el refran, “detras de cada hombre de exito, hay una mujer”, pero hoy dia veo, “detras de cada mujer, que no se supera, hay un hombre”.
Mas que coraje me da verguenza ver que dicen que estan inscritas en programas de estudios, pero en realidad dejan a sus hijos cuidando en el programa para irse a perder el tiempo. Inscriben a sus hijos como mujeres solteras y es el padre, o el novio, quien lleva a e estos hijos y los recojen y hasta se atreven a hacer exigencias de horarios sin estos, los hombres envueltos, enseñar evidencia de su cheque y asi se llevan el cuidado gratuito o a un costo super modico, a costillas de los beneficios gubernamentales que pagamos los que si vamos a trabajar, hoy lunes, y todos los dias.
Hoy procesare talonarios de cheques que no dicen la verdad. Hoy procesare mentiras de “soy un empleado de el restaurant” cuando que en realidad son los dueños. Hoy vere familias llegar en sus carro ultimo modelo, estacionarse junto a el mio de 1998, y dejar a sus hijos y luego irse de compras, porque en la tarde hasta lo cuentan. Hoy vere un poco mas de modicas mentiras, dichas por mujeres, que me hacen gastar energias en consejos de superacion y no pasa nada porque es mas facil, mentir, y recibir cheques del gobierno, dinero para alquiler, para comida, para ropa. Hoy vere como reciben seguros medicos que le cubren todo, y a todos en la familia, hasta a el chillo, pero yo, como muchos, estamos manteniendo a el dentista con un porcentaje fuerte de nuestro dinero. En fin, ya me tengo que ir a trabajar, el que quiera vivir mediocre, abusar de lo que hay a costillas de los demas, ser una “recostada/o” alla ellos. Dudo mucho que tengan las satisfacciones que si gozamos los que alcanzamos pequeñas glorias en nuestro diario vivir, por nuestro propio esfuerzo.
Prefiero terminar este post, ahora que me siento mas sosegada, pensando en los seres que si son de alta calidad, tanto hombres como mujeres. En especial a muchas mujeres que conosco que son de una sola masa, de un alto calibre, que no se venden, que no se dejan, que saben lo que quieren y luchan hasta alcanzar sus sueños, pasando trabajo, derramando lagrimas, y dandose una gozadita en el camino tambien, porque no todo es sufrimiento.
A esas mujeres, que cada vez que me encuentro una le digo, BIENVENIDA A EL COQUETA CLUB. A ustedes la mejor de las semanas, y mucha SUPERACION. Porque prefiero ser criticada, por se como soy, independiente, fuerte, decidida, audaz, luchadora, de voz con poder, y todo lo demas, bueno y malo que me caracteriza que ser una del monton.
Aqui los dejo con este pensamiento de una mujer fuerticima, que admiro, y junto a ella, otras mas, que he conocido en este medio de la blogsfera, porque yo amo a mi projimo, pero siempre estare rodeada de lo mejor.
“Prefiero ser loca y no seguir a la multitud, verla desde lo lejos mientras mantengo mi escencia pura tal y como es sin dejarme influenciar a ser otra que no puede con su vida y pretende llevar la de alguien mas.” Leyci Marie.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Serie El Vecino: Vacaciones Destino Puerto Rico
“Hola Coqueta, dime”, me respondió mi vecino inmediatamente al yo llamarlo a su celular.
Hola, te estoy llamando para decirte que ya voy rumbo a Puerto Rico y que no te olvides de lo que acordamos. A partir de mañana es que puedes comenzar a colectar mí correo, ya sabes, no se puede dejar sin atender para que ningun malvado note que la casa está vacía y ya tu sabes; le dije.
Aun sosteniendo mi celular en la mano izquierda, mirandolo, acariciandolo, con una sonrisa en los labios, ida, en otra dimensión, mientras sabe Dios quién me miraba en la sala de espera para abordar, super llena de Boricuas, me sorprendió un incontrolable suspiro. Una vez mas mi fantasía domina mis pensamientos y me pregunté que me hubiese dicho mi vecino si lo hubiese invitado a estas vacaciones. De qué estariamos hablando si estuvieramos aquí juntos esperando el avión. Que hubieramos hecho una vez en la isla. Jamás lo sabré, porque no fui capaz de hacerle esta tan deseada propuesta.
Pa' no dejarte clavao'
Bueno, para que despues no digas que te deje la espinita...