Ya se fue el mes de febrero, tan famoso por ser el mes del amor y la amistad. Pero cuando cuentas con amigos y familiares como los mios, el amor y el apoyo es atravez de todos tus dias por la aventura de tu caminar en la vida.
Aqui les comparto un poema que me envio mi hermanita Chachy, desde Texas. Porque cada dia al levantarme me agrada poder decir YO TENGO UNA VIDA MARAVILLOSA! Porque los tengo a todos ustedes.
I may not have a lot of fame
Nor a mansion on a hill
I have no real fine gifts to give
There is nothing to reveal.
I do not have a lot of wealth
But I have the things I need
There are those who have most everything
Whose lives are full of greed?
With gentleness doth reign
There are those who have no heart at all
There are those who have no heart at all
And send out lots of pain.
I have a wonderful spirit
That will never grow jagged or old
There are those who have no feeling at all
Their days are dark and cold.

I have a wonderful pair of legs
To help me get around
There are those who have no legs at all
To lift them when they’re down.

I have a wonderful pair of arms
To give a hug or two
There are those who have no arms at all
To feel the love I do.

I have a wonderful pair of hands
To let me work and play
There are those who have no hands at all
To help them through the day.

To listen to the rain
There are those who cannot hear at all
The splash upon the pane.

They have beheld some beautiful sights.
There are those who cannot see at all
Their world is black as night.
I have a wonderful sense of smell
And enjoyed the aroma of flowers
There are those who cannot know this joy
And miss life’s fragrant hours.
My life has been a rainbow
With only a bit of strife
Today I counted my blessings
I have a wonderful life.
Written by: Marilyn Ferguson©2001
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