Sweet Revenge
I would like to share this story that I received at by one of my Coqueta members. The identity is kept confidential as I always guarantee my members.
I have a relationship with my boyfriend for five years. He lives by himself and I live with our daughter in my apartment. Our daughter is four years old. Basically, we do all together (celebrations, vacation, trips, shopping, etc) except living as a couple in the same home.
He is very jealous and manipulative to the point that I feel I can’t move a step without letting him know about it. If he calls and doesn’t find me he gets mad to the point that don’t talk to me for days, even a week and stop visiting us.
If I call him and I don’t find him he always has an excuse that I have to take whether I like it or not.
I work over his will just because he won’t provide to us what we need, and also because he found very convenient not to give up all his money. But he will be very happy if I just stay at home and no one sees me.
I’m 29 years old and I look good. I have a degree from college and I have a good job. He is 30 years old and also has a college degree and a good job that pays him double of what I make.
I asked him to marry me but he said he don’t believe in that. I had try to end the relationship but I always get stuck with our daughter due to the fact that I don’t want her to suffer and I continue doing things together with him for her happiness.
Whenever he wants he takes vacation without us. He loves to vanish from time to time and there is no way he will explain to me where he was at and with whom. But I have to be available for him at all times, and if I don’t answer his calls or I stop all contact with him he will accused me of being with someone else, or even call me the B word.
I have been loyal to this man and I love him very much but I know my feelings are changing because I don’t see any growing as a couple. I see my life flying by and no plans to build for the future. He keeps treating me as I’m stupid, trying to tell me what to do, how to laugh, how to dress, what friends not to have, where to go, and how to live my life.
Our intimacy is very good but I feel empty when he gets up in the middle of the night, afterwards, and leave me, us. I have shared all my feelings about our relationship, my dreams, and my hopes, but he just wants to continue the relationship just as it is.
All our encounters end up in an argument and me crying by myself.
The other day we went Christmas shopping to a mall out of the town we reside. We went in my car. I was in a good mood so my daughter. He was in a good mood too. He told me he wanted to go to the men's clothing store and suggested me to go on to the shoe store and I agreed. After about 20 minutes he called me in my cell to find out where I was. I told him I’ll walk to the store he was at and I did with my daughter by the hand.
Just when I was arriving to where he was standing two guys walked by me and they looked at me. One of the guys said something like “hi beautiful woman”. I kept walking looking into the eyes of my boyfriend who changed his face from happy to mad.
He asked me, "what that guy said to you?”, and I told him I didn’t understand. My boyfriend argued that I was lying to him. I got so mad that I told him it’s not my fault that other guys find me beautiful and are not afraid to say it. My boyfriend immediately asked me if I knew them, if I wanted to go shopping with them.
I felt so insulted and sad, but I decided I was not crying this time. I told my boyfriend I was going to the restroom and he did the same. But I didn’t stay in the restroom. I walked as fast as I could to the parking lot. I felt my heart pounding in my chest like I was doing something so bad, but I was determined. I got into my car and I left him there, miles away from our city, and I felt safe and in charge of my life.
I don’t remember how many calls I received from my boyfriend after I told him I left him there. He called me all kind of names but I didn’t care. Suddenly he reminded me I had his keys in my bag. Hallelujah! He told me if I was capable of going into his car or even into his place he will put me in jail.
It was not my plan to do that, but he placed that idea in my mind. My plan was just to get even for all this time he underestimated me, I just wanted to feel respected, strong, in charge, and I just felt that way.
But, I really wanted to find out what he was hiding. The first thing I did I went into his car that was parked out of my apartment. I stopped answering my cell and he left me all kind of messages.
I opened the front compartment I found condoms, blue pills, and the registration of his car with an address that was not where he lives. I opened his trunk and I found female articles like sunglasses, blouses and jewelry, it was not mine.
I went to my apartment got into the internet and I found the address on his car registration. I got there! I knew I had time, not just because he was far, but he had no car and there was no way he will call his friends to tell them I left him in a mall. (I’m laughing right now with such a pleasure).
He had a bunch of keys and one of the keys had a number on it, I found the mail boxes. I opened and there was the name of a woman. I went to the door and a woman answer the door and I told her I was the girlfriend of _______ and this is our daughter. The woman colors changed on her face. I continued telling her that I just wanted to leave his car keys with her. Is there any problem I asked her, and she nodded no. I pass the keys to her and I told her that I could not understand how she could live her life as a part time lover, because I couldn't handle it myself.
I told her, "you knew about us, and I can see you are a good person, but I can also see you are not happy. Good luck to you." I called my boyfriend and I told him that I was standing in front of his "friend" and that I passed the keys to her (except his apartment's), there was silence. I left his friend's apartment and she didn't say anything at all, she looked more scare that I was.
Last stop; his apartment. I got in, I found more condoms, blue pills, jells, sex toys, books for hotels, motels, discount cards for rooms, traveling paraphernalia and hidden in the last draw of his dresser my daughters cards and pictures. I took all of them with me. I trash his entire apartment, one room at a time, while moving my daughter so she could not see it.
I went home feeling like I was "the few, the proud", and a super woman.
My boyfriend spend his Christmas trying to argue with me about what I did is punishable by law, I laugh so much. Then I didn’t hear from him, probably because he was in a good company. Who cares?
The New Year is coming and I’m feeling like a million dollars. I have dreams and plans that I want to realize all of them together with my daughter. My daughter will continue sharing with her dad on their own time without me.
As you always say Coqueta, LIFE IS GOOD.
What a sweet revenge.
What do you think, Coqueta?
Coqueta Member
What do I think? I think I'm very proud of you. You have just follow the Coqueta Rules of doing what is right. You also did the sweet revange, where no one gets hurt, but all gain something. You got back your sense of freedom and that is priceless.
In this case, you boyfriend learn that you are not an object, but a beautiful human being with goals, dreams and freedom. A person that deserves to be respected, valued and loved.
I'm also sure that his girlfriend, now at the no so secret place, is starting to think about herself a little bit more, and very soon she will leave him in a far away land, I hope she leaves him in Europe without passport and ID.
And for you my dear Coquetita, keep growing, be good, dream at large and continue your life. Happiness is in your heart and no at anyones hands.
® 2007

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